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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Book Review: Henri, le Chat Noir: The Existential Musings of an Angst-Filled Cat by William Braden

It was just a link to a video and it was the first time I visited Tracey's blog over at Pen and Paper. The image showed a cat. I love cat videos, I thought, so I clicked on it, but I was completely unprepared for the malaise I was subjected to by Henri. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Perhaps when I was watching a video of Simon's Cat. I used to link on the Caturday thread at Fark every Saturday for my LOL cats, but this was so much more and yet so much less.

I had to share the video with everyone I knew and I posted it on Facebook. I watched it more than once. I laughed just as hard every time I watched it. In gathering images for this post, I was happy to find that there are more Henri videos and I must watch every single one.

I met Grumpy cat, well, we weren't properly introduced, but I was so close to her. They wouldn't let me take a close up, though, without getting on the line from hell. You'd think Star Wars was being released in the theater again the line was so long. So, while I wasn't introduced and wasn't close enough to touch, I was at least in the same building at the same time. Actually, I was near her and did take a picture from across the aisle, but she's tiny as a pin head on my camera phone. She was on site to promote her new book.

So, when I was looking up her book, I saw that to my surprise, Henri also had a book and his was already available! I immediately added it to my wish list, the public one as my birthday was coming up and I hoped beyond hope that someone would get it for me. And in fact, they did. My Sister-in- Law, Shannon, got it for me. Best gift this year, well, that and money to put towards my iPad, but I digress.

I read Henri's book in one sitting. It's hard not to. It's a short read, but even if it was longer, I would not have been able to put it down. I was captivated. I was alone in my room with the air conditioning on and I was guffawing uncontrollably. I'm telling you, Grumpy Cat may have more of the eye of the public, but I don't think she can stand up to Henri's intelligence and biting wit.

Favorite quote: My thumbs are not opposable, yet I oppose everything.

If you like the brooding, angst-ridden thinkers and are looking for a laugh, do yourself a favor and pick this up. Or watch a video.

Travails of Henri can be found at 


  1. Thank you so much for the mention. I adore Sion's cat and especially the cartoons which incorporate my other favourite animal, the hedgehog.

    I don't know if you saw it Bo but if not you might be interested in this post

    1. I will definitely have to check out Cats in the News. I just requested a Kindle sample. The book itself is out of print, but I can get the eBook.
      Thanks for the suggestion!
      I do love cats, but my furry little monster does tend to dominate my life. I can't sit at the computer without him making a nuisance of himself.
      Egg is sitting on my lap and whipping me with his tail. Perhaps he is jealous of Henri.

  2. Me again. You mentioned you were on FB, how do I find you?

    1. I don't have a facebook page for my blog yet. My individual page is under my name. Here is the URL to my page:

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for the friend invite! I really need to use Facebook more.

  4. Haven't met Henri yet, but he sounds like my kind of guy!

  5. Check out his website! Video # 2 is probably my favorite.
