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Friday, August 10, 2012

How many books could a woodchuck read if a woodcuck could read books?

It has come to my attention that I have been having focusing issues lately. I am trying to read a book through, but I find I read a chapter and then I pick up another book and read a chapter.

I am currently in the middle of reading three books, which may be a record for me.

These are the books I am currently reading alternating chapters:
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Die for Me by Amy Plum
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

I have also raved about downloading Kindle samples. Whenever I find something that sounds interesting on another blog, I download a sample and stash it in my "Samples to Read" folder. The only problem with that is that I have 124 samples currently in that folder. I have been trying to read through some of them as well so I can make a decision about whether to pick up a certain book or not. That is perhaps the bulk of my reading lately.

These are the books I've read samples of in the last two weeks:
Taste by Kate Evangelista which I ended up purchasing.
The Fake Boyfriend Experiment by Stephanie Rowe which I ended up purchasing.
Easy by Tammara Webber which I ended up purchasing.
Die for Me by Amy Plum which I ended up purchasing.
The End of the Dating Moratorium by Stephanie Celeste Perkins which I am still thinking about.
Keeping the Castle by Patrice Kindl which I am on the fence about.
Chosen (The Seeker Saga #1) by Sarah Swan which I decided against. It sounded like an interesting enough premise, but it just didn't seem to appeal to me.
Enchant Me by Anne Violet which I ended up purchasing.
Down the Shore by Kelly Mooney which I have decided to fore go. Couldn't get into it and I grew up at the shore. Maybe that's why.
A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies which I am still thinking about.
Night Swimming by Nikki Burnham which I decided against.
Shot Through the Heart by Nikki Burnham which I decided against as well.
Last Stand by Nikki Burnham which I also decided against. Now I know what you're thinking. I actually have read books by Nikki Burnham before that I liked, but just not these three, at least based on the sample.
Putting Boys an the Ledge(A Girlfriend's Guide to Boys) by Stephanie Rowe. This one seems pretty amusing, so I may actually pick it up.

If anyone out there has an opinion on any of the samples I've read that I am still considering, let me know how you liked the book and it may sway my opinion. I always like to hear other people's opinions on books I'm reading or thinking of reading.

1 comment:

  1. I have a tendency to read several books at the same time too. I usually have a book at work to read during lunch and a couple going at home, depending on mood. I've been staying away from samples, but have over 60 free ebooks on my nook. None of the samples above sound familiar except for Die For Me, which you already purchased.

    Here's a thought - read the books you already have! Yeah, I know I need to take my own as I say, not as I do! ;)
